What Is The Worm Population
what is the worm population
Barber's pole worm answers at Stanthorpe - State News - Livestock - Sheep
SHEEP and goat producers across Southern Queensland and Northern NSW, looking for better management solutions to barber's pole worm, are urged to attend a training workshop in Stanthorpe on February 6.Delivered by the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI), the workshop is an initiative of Meat and Livestock Australia.
The event is hosted by Graham Reimers from the Boer Goat Breeders Association of Australia, who will be supplying the pens and live goats for the demonstrations.
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DEEDI Agri-Science Queensland senior scientist Maxine Lyndal-Murphy said the hands-on workshop would cover the treatment and control of Haemonchus contortus (Barber's pole worm) in goats and sheep, including the FAMACHA system (examining eyes for anaemia), and drench resistance.
"Barber's pole worms cause anaemia and infestations can result in heavy losses in flocks during the summer period," Ms Lyndal-Murphy said.
"This diagnostic technology and workshop is very suitable for owners/ managers of smaller sheep and goat flocks, where animals are readily available for examination," she said. "It's also relevant to larger operations for better control of drench-resistant Barber's pole."
Workshop participants can learn:
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Peter E Thayer
Resistance in Barber's pole to drenches is an increasingly serious problem in the Southern Queensland and Northern NSW region.
Ms Lyndal-Murphy said as farmers used drenches to treat their livestock, they inadvertently selected out worms resistant to the product.
"No drench is so effective that it kills all worms in the host at the time of treatment.
"If one Barber's pole in 10,000 has the genetic make-up to resist the effects of the drench, its drench-resistant progeny soon out-compete the original drench-susceptible worm population."
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